Difference between Coding and Programming
Basics of Coding and Programming
– While both the terms are synonymous with each other and are often used interchangeably, they are quite different from each other. Coding simply means writing codes from one language to another such as from English to Java. It’s less intimidating and less intensive. Programming, on the other hand, means to program a machine with a set of instructions to run.Coders vs. Programmers
– A coder is someone who translates logics into a language machine will understand. Coding is more language oriented, whereas programming is different. It’s the bigger picture and a programmer deals with much more than just writing codes which is just the beginning of what makes up the tasks of a programmer.Big Thinking
– Writing code is just the
beginning of creating software. Programming is to analyze solutions to problems
that may or may not occur, and then determine how these problems should be
solved. A coder’s job is to compartmentalize lines of code, while a programmer
deals with the bigger
picture; he designs and builds solutions using the best course of
actions for the potential problems that may incur.