

                                   INTERNET TERMS (PART 1)

1.        DOMAIN
While every computer has its own unique address, every user using the Internet has a unique address called a domain. A domain recognizes one or more IP addresses. An example of a domain is and is part of the URL such as The standard top-level domains are:
  • com - Commercial business
  • edu - Educational institutions
  • gov - Government agencies
  • mil - Military
  • net - Networks organization
  • org - Organizations (nonprofit)
There are additional top-level domains that are now recognized on the Internet. They include:
  • aero - Air-transport industry
  • biz - Businesses
  • coop - Cooperatives
  • info - Unrestricted use
  • museum - museums
  • pro - Accountants, lawyers, physicians, and other professionals
  • tv - Television
Some countries use a sub-domain or geographical domain as part of their address. Fox example, an academic institution such as Oxford University in the United Kingdom can use An example of a URL with this domain is

2.        BROWSER
A piece of software such as Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer that allows a computer to access and display documents, view pictures, hear sound, and view video clips from the World Wide Web. 

3.        E-MAIL
Mail that's electronically transmitted by your computer. As opposed to snail mail, e-mail sends your messages instantaneously, anywhere in the world. It has the capability to send messages at any time and to anyone. 

The standard method for downloading and uploading files over the Internet. With FTP, you can login to a server and transfer files (meaning you can "send" or "receive" files).

Thanks for reading this post. Do Stay Tuned for Part 2 of the post. Bye for now.

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