


  • The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed Internet directory service.If DNS fails or too slow, websites cannot be located and email delivery stalls.

URL specifies the address of the web page displayed in the browser window. Each web page on the internet is associated with a unique URL which begins with http:// and then follows by www, the host name and the domain name. The host name is usually the name (user’s ID) of the particular company or organization.
The domain name is refers to as common name for a computer or groups on the internet. It is usually unique and purchased from an organization called Internet Network Information Center. The domain name is the last in the web site address. The DNS is used to translate domain names into IP addresses and vice versa.

The following are the common domain names:

On the internet, these strings are managed by the Domain Name System (DNS). The DNS uses a system of multi-level strings separated by dot (‘.’) to organize domain names.
For example, the website uses three levels of naming. The levels ate listed in order of lowest to highest when reading from left to right. We can have something like (‘www’) that represent the first sub-string or sub-domain. Then, the second sub-string can be (‘codextech’) i.e. an organizational domain that points to a web site but also contains numerous other sub-sites/sub-domains. Finally, the third sub-string represents (‘.com’) which is a top level domain (TLD) that encompass numerous organizations worldwide, e.g.

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