Frontend & Backend Developer
We all know that a frontend developers build how a website looks. And a backend Developers build how a website works.
Let’s say that you wanted to build a website for your business. The frontend developer would create the theme like the images, style, layout, and presentation. While the backend developer works on managing the database, as well as the site’s users, site performance, security, and any other issues.
In programming language aspect,
The frontend developer primarily use three languages such as the HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
The backend programming languages are PHP, Phyton, Java, and Ruby. Backend developers need to be proficient in programming languages that render on the server side of a website or application. A good backend developer will be a master at one of these languages. Backend developers will also need to be good in working with databases like MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server.
In Skills aspect
Frontend developers work on the appearance and user-interface of the website, and so in addition to the programming languages listed above, the frontend developer should be able to use some design tools like PhotoShop or Sketch. They should also know the basics of web hosting, and buying a domain.
Backend developers needs to have critical thinking skills. A backend developer is often debugging code and designing systems for how the user will interact with the website.