

ü  Try not to download large files (larger than 1 megabyte) until after normal business hours.

ü  Users are responsible for checking copyright or licensing agreements for the files that they download.

ü  If downloading shareware,  be sure to pay the appropriate fees.

ü  Do not visit pornographic websites or sites that incite hatred against other people.

ü  Use normal upper and lower case letters. Avoid using all capital letters in a message; this is known as SHOUTING and is generally frowned upon.

ü  Do not assume that your intention will be understood - remember that there is no body language or facial expression to indicate your intentions.

ü  Remember that e-mail is not necessarily private. Your message can be forwarded to many people without without your knowledge.

ü  Before sending the message, read it over,  make sure it is what you want to say, and double check the recipient(s).

ü  When replying to a newsgroup posting, be sure to include the portion of the original message (or provide a summary of the message) that you are responding to.

ü  Avoid "spamming" the practice of sending unsolicited commercial e-mail messages in bulk, or making similar postings to newsgroups. 

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